1.         NAME: The UNION shall be called the MIND SPORTS SOUTH AFRICA (MSSA).


2.         OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the UNION shall be:

2.1        To encourage the sciences of figure, board, computer and RPG gaming.

2.2        To stimulate public opinion in providing facilities for acquiring and practising these activities.

2.3        To promote and control Competitions and Championships of the activities as detailed in Rule 2.1.

2.4        To promote the uniformity of rules for the control and regulation of Competitions and Championships.

2.5        To enforce the observance of the rules and bylaws of the MSSA, and to deal with any infringement thereof.


3.         MEMBERSHIP: Clubs, societies, and associations as domiciled within the Republic of South Africa.



4.1        All applications for membership shall be made in writing to the General Secretary of the UNION, and must be accompanied by the amount of the annual subscription, which shall be refunded if the application be not accepted.

4.2        All application shall further be accompanied by a copy of the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the applicant body and such other information, as the UNION shall require.

4.3        Applications for affiliation may only be considered at a General Meeting of the UNION, and may only be accepted if passed by a 2/3 majority of those eligible to vote at such meeting.  Notwithstanding the provisions of this sub-clause, the Executive shall have the right, subject to the proper observance of the other sub-clauses of  this rule to accept  the affiliation of  an  applicant body temporarily  and subject to confirmation by the requisite majority at the next Annual General Meeting of the Council. Prior to the presentation of such application to the General Meeting, the Executive shall have satisfied itself that the applicant is strong enough to ensure the proper conducting of a province, club or society.

4.4        The name of the applicant body shall be approved of by the UNION.


5.         ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: The Annual Subscription payable by all affiliated members shall become due and payable on 1 November of each year, or in the case of new members, on the day of election, and shall be the sum of R100.00. In addition affiliated members shall pay Registration fees (clause 27.5), and such are hereinafter provided for.



The constituted bodies of the UNION shall be the following:


6.1        The Council of the UNION which shall be any General meeting of the UNION and in particular the National Convention.

6.2        The Executive Committee of the UNION which shall act as the executive body of the UNION.

6.3        The Board of the UNION which shall act as the management body of the UNION.

6.4        Other standing and ad hoc committees of the Executive as determined in the Rules and Regulations of the UNION.



7.1        Council is the highest authoritative body of the UNION and all Members shall be entitled to attend its meetings. Council may allow non-members to attend its meetings as observers with or without debating rights.

7.2               The affairs of the UNION shall be conducted by a Council consisting of a President, Vice-President (Umpiring), Vice-President (Development), General Secretary, one vote per every five Registered Players of any affiliated Club or Society, one vote per every ten Registered Players of any affiliated School club, and two votes from each affiliated association which fulfils the minimum quota.


8.         THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: shall consist of;

8.1        The President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Executive Director, a delegate representing such Student Association as recognised by Council, a delegate representing such Scholar's Association as recognised by Council and one nominated member from each affiliated member. The General Secretary shall be referred to as the Secretary.

8.2        The President and Vice-Presidents shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees.

8.3        Nominations for the elected officers of the Executive Committee as provided for in (7.1) and (11.2) Shall be made in writing and will be in the hands of the General Secretary 4 weeks before the National Convention, and shall be accompanied by a signed acceptance, from the said nominee, of his willingness to accept nomination. No nomination shall be valid unless made by an affiliated member in good standing or by the Executive Committee. All nominations shall be circularised at least twenty-one days before the National Convention, by the General Secretary, to all affiliated members and to any individual entitled to vote thereat.

8.4        Elected members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for the period between four consecutive National Conventions on a staggered basis, being:

                                    Position                                                              year of election

                                    President                                                             1998

                                    Vice-Presidents                                                    1997

                                    General Secretary                                                1996



9.1        The Management Board of the UNION shall be responsible for the day to day running of the UNION.

9.2        The Management Board shall consist of the following:

i           the President of the UNION.

ii           the Vice-Presidents - Development.

iii          the Vice-President  Umpiring

iv          A member representing each discipline as per Rule 2.1.

v          A women's desk. This position shall only be held by a woman.

vi          The National Schools director.

            vii         The Executive Director.

9.3        Members of the Management Board appointed per Rule 7.2 shall be confirmed by the National Council and shall hold office for a period as determined in Rule 8.4.

9.4        The Management Board is empowered to make final decisions between meetings of the Executive Committee. All decisions shall however be submitted to the Executive Committee for confirmation at the next meeting.

9.5        The Management Board may undertake any essential investigation and refer matters to other committees of the Executive Committee.

9.6        The Management Board co-ordinates all recommendations of the standing and/or ad hoc committees for consideration by the Executive Committee and shall keep minutes of all meetings of such Committee.

9.7        The Management Board shall meet as often as possible, and shall be convened by the President, or in his absence, by the Vice President.

9.8        The Management Board may delegate any of its powers and functions to Committees which they appoint for any specific purpose and shall have the power to co-opt persons as deemed necessary to serve on such committees.



10.1      Delegates appointed by an affiliated member shall be members of that club and registered with the UNION.

10.2      Notice of the names of the delegates must be given by the affiliated member to the Secretary 48 hours before the date of the General Meeting, failing which such delegate may not take part in the meeting unless in the case of a new member.

10.3      A member may nominate two or more alternates in place of its appointed delegates to act in their stead where circumstances make it impossible for the appointed delegates to act, provided that rule 8.2 is complied with.


11.        HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS: On the nomination of the Executive Committee only, the Council may, at the National Convention elect as Hon. Life Members, persons who have been prominently connected with the activity in the Republic of South Africa, and have rendered valuable services therein. Not more than one person shall be elected in at any one time. Such Hon. Life Members shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Council and shall have the power to vote at such meeting.


12.        HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENT: The Executive may appoint such persons as they are feel deserving of recognition, to the position of Hon. Vice-President. Such Hon. Vice-President shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Council, and shall have power to vote at Executive Meetings.


13.        POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COUNCIL: The Council may exercise any or all of the following powers:

13.1      The Council shall maintain a banking account in the name of the UNION, which shall be operated upon by cheque signed by any one of the following:

13.1.1               The President

13.1.2               The Vice-Presidents

13.1.3               The General Secretary

13.1.4                  The Executive Director

The accounts of the UNION shall be audited by the Hon. auditors appointed at the National Convention.

              13.2    The Council shall at the National Convention elect the Executive and Hon. Life Members (as recommended by the Executive) consider all applications for affiliation and elect members of all sub-committees.

13.3      The Council may at any General Meeting, altar amend, or revoke any of the Rules of the UNION, or motion, if a notice of motion in writing, setting out such proposed alteration, amendment or revocation, shall have been given to the General Secretary and circularised to all affiliated members not less than twenty-one days prior to such meeting.  No such resolution shall become effective unless passed by 2/3 of the member clubs present and eligible to vote.

13.4      The Council may purchase, or hire, moveable or immovable property in the name of the UNION, upon such terms as considered expedient, and shall further have the right to borrow money on mortgage or otherwise, for such purpose.

13.5      The Council, subject to Rule 16.2, hereinafter contained, shall have the power to fine, reprimand or suspend any affiliated club or society, or member thereof, which or who, in its opinion, has been guilty of conduct warranting such action. This rule will also apply to associations.

13.6      The Council's decisions shall be binding on all affiliated bodies and members thereof.

13.7      The Council shall be empowered to deal with all matters arising out of or incidental to the proper management or control of the affairs of the UNION or of the activity itself, not provided for in these Rules.


14.        MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL: All National Conventions and Special General Meetings shall be open to all affiliated members. The National Convention, of which twenty-one days notice in writing shall have been given by the General Secretary to all affiliated members, shall be held during the month of December, at which the following business shall be transacted:

14.1      To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM.

14.2      To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Executive Committee.

14.3      To receive and adopt the audited Balance Sheet and accounts.

14.4      To consider applications for affiliation.

14.5      To receive and adopt the Reports of the Sub­committees.

14.6      To receive the National and Interregional Tournaments Management reports.

14.7      To consider and deal with any notices of motion.

14.8      To elect the Executive Committee as per Rule 8.4.

14.9      In the event of insufficient nominations being received, the Executive Committee may fill vacancies that may exist.  However, once an individual has assumed a position, he may not stand for, or be elected to another position.

14.10    To appoint Hon. Auditors for the ensuing season.

14.11    A Special General Meeting may be called:

14.11.1                           By the President, or in his absence, either of the Vice-Presidents, and twenty-one days written notice to be given, thereof to all affiliated members.

14.11.2                           On written requisition by at least half (1/2) of the members of Council. Notice of such meeting shall be dispatched to all affiliated members.  Such meeting will be held twenty-one days after such requisition.

14.12    No business shall be discussed at a General Meeting that does not appear on the Notice for such meeting.



15.1      A quorum at all Council Meetings shall consist of delegates and proxies of no less than one quarter of the number of bodies affiliated to the UNION and in good standing. If within fifteen (15) minutes from the time appointed for any meeting of the Council, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day next week and at the same venue, members being notified of the time thereof. If the date of the adjourned meeting is a Public Holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day. If at such adjourned meeting there is not a quorum present; the members then present shall be entitled to proceed. National Conventions cannot be adjourned

15.2      The Chairman at all meetings of the Council shall be the President, and in his absence, the Vice-President. If both are absent, the Meeting shall elect a Chairman. The Chairman shall have authority on every point of order and shall be the sole interpreter of the Rules and Bylaws of the UNION for the purposes of such meeting. The Chairman in the case of equality of votes shall have a casting vote.

15.3      The General Secretary shall keep a full record of minutes of the proceedings of the Council and all its committees. Copies of the minutes of Council Meetings shall be forwarded to each affiliated member and except for the Minutes of the National Convention (which shall be read at the first Executive Committee Meeting and initialled by the Chairman as a correct record) shall be read at the next meeting of the Council, and, after confirmation, be signed by both the Chairman and the General Secretary.

15.4      Voting shall be by proxy, whether or not the member is at such meeting


16.        POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive shall have the following powers:

16.1      To decide on all cases of dispute not definitely provided for in these Rules.

16.2      To appoint a Disciplinary Committee (consisting of a panel of eight persons who have no direct affiliation to any member). Four of them shall sit at any time with the Manager of the Region concerned to make up the specific committee to deal with all matters of misconduct and if considered advisable, to recommend to the Executive, penalties by way of suspension, fines or expulsion. Clubs, Societies, or individuals so penalised shall have the right to appeal to the Executive Committee.

16.3      To approve all competitions, championships, etc., as proposed by the various sub-committees.

16.4      To control all monies of the UNION, approve accounts for payment and receive and consider the General Secretary's monthly financial reports.

16.5      The Executive may refund all necessary expenses incurred by any person or body whilst engaged in the work of the UNION.

16.6      The Executive may call upon any affiliated body to submit for inspection such documents, books and statements as may be required for any investigation considered necessary

16.7      To act, as holders in trust all trophies, monies and other property of the UNION and to deal with the same as the Council may decide. To arrange the insuring of trophies, including receipts for possession.  All trophies shall be insured by and at the expense of the UNION.

16.8            To give and grant Honoraria and/or to make presentations to such persons as may be deemed advisable.

16.9            To deal with any appeal.

16.10        To appoint a SELECTION COMMITTEE from registered players, as nominated by members in good standing; for the purpose of choosing teams to represent the UNION in official fixtures.

16.11        To appoint MANAGERS, in terms of Rule 40 and Schedule 3.9, to accompany officially selected teams.

16.12        To arrange transport and accommodation for the UNION's official teams, or for visiting teams, attending any competition, championship or function.

16.13        The decisions of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall take immediate effect and shall be acted upon unless and until altered by a meeting of the COUNCIL of the UNION.

16.14        To control the REFERENCE BOOK. This book shall be kept by the GENERAL SECRETARY of the UNION, and shall contain the names of such persons and members as are proved to have acted dishonourably to any of the affiliated members. Such members or individuals shall not participate in any disciplines of the activity while under suspension.

16.15        To institute or defend legal proceedings on behalf of the UNION.

16.16        To consider and confirm all matters dealt with, and decisions taken by the sub-committees.

16.17        To appoint the DIRECTORS for each region after reviewing all the necessary applications for such position.

16.18        To delegate such powers as may be deemed necessary to the Managers.

16.19        To approve or reject bylaws for the various sub­committees as are necessary for the smooth running of such committees.

16.20        To employ an Executive Director who shall be charge of the Secretariat. The Executive Director shall not be allowed to hold an elected office on the UNION.



17.1      Meetings shall be convened by the President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, and upon requisition therefore signed by any three members.

17.2      The Executive shall meet at least twice per year and written notice shall be posted at least 21 days in advance. Special Executive Committee Meetings may be called as per point 17.1.

17.3      A quorum at any meeting of the EXECUTIVE shall consist of the President or in his absence, either of the Vice-Presidents and 25 percent of all executive members having submitted their proxies or being present.

17.4      Members who are unable to attend a committee meeting may put forward suggestions and vote by proxy if his intentions are clearly stated in writing, which must be in the Secretary's hands before the meeting.

17.5      The GENERAL SECRETARY shall record the proceedings of the EXECUTIVE MEETINGS in the MINUTE BOOK, and copies of such minutes shall be circulated to all affiliated members and Hon. Life Members.

17.6      Save, as herein provided, and as far as the same may be applicable, the provisions as laid down in RULE 11, shall also apply to the conduct of MEETINGS of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.


18.        ABSENCE FROM MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: If any Member shall absent himself from three consecutive meetings, after having received the customary notices and without having applied for leave or tendered his proxy vote, the seat of such member shall be declared vacant. Such vacancy shall be filled by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE by co-opting a member to fill such vacant seat.



19.1      Membership shall be terminated on the grounds of non­fulfilment of financial obligations. Once membership has been terminated, a full calendar year shall elapse before an application for membership may again be submitted. Such member remains responsible for all his financial obligations towards the UNION that may be outstanding at the date of the termination of membership

19.1.1   Membership which is terminated on the grounds of non-fulfilment of financial obligations shall only become effected if fees are more than three months in arrears.

19.2      Membership may become suspended on the grounds of failure to submit required documentation and statements, contravention of prescribed organisational, behavioural and disciplinary codes and/or conflicting constitutional practices.  All individuals being investigated by the disciplinary code will automatically be suspended.  While under suspension no affiliated member, Registered Player, Associate Player to whom the suspension applies, will be allowed to take part whatsoever in the affairs of the UNION, or any of its affiliated members. Should an affiliated member or any Registered or Associate Player be engaged in any of the aforementioned fixtures prior to suspension, then upon suspension such member/player shall be debarred from continuing to be so engaged.  Should contraventions not be rectified within three months from the date of suspension, membership will automatically terminate and such registration of such player will also be terminated. A full calendar year shall elapse before an application for membership may be submitted or registration forms for such player may be submitted. Such member and/or player remain responsible for all obligations towards the UNION that may be outstanding at the date of termination of membership or registration.


20.        WITHDRAWALS: Any member of the UNION who wants to terminate his membership shall give written notice of termination to the Executive Committee. Such member remains responsible for all his financial obligations towards the UNION that may be outstanding at the date of the termination of membership.


21.        EXPULSION: If at a Meeting of the Council, a resolution be passed by vote of three-quarters of those present that an affiliated member or member thereof, has rendered itself unworthy to belong to the UNION, the membership of such member or person shall thereupon cease. Any member being expelled shall have the right to appeal to the UNION's Executive.


22.        APPEALS: All appeals, except in the case of expulsion, must be accompanied by a deposit of such amount as approved of by Council.  Such deposit shall be forfeited should the appeal be deemed by the Executive to have been frivolous.


23.        NOTICES OF MEETINGS: All notices of meetings for both Council and Executive meetings must contain the motive and reason for any proposed motion. Business not appearing on the Notice of Meeting will not be dealt with.


24.        LIABILITY FOR INJURIES: No liability whatsoever shall attach to the UNION for any damages sustained as a result of injury or in any other manner, by any person whether a member of an affiliated body or not, whilst competing in a competition held by or on behalf of the UNION or whilst participating in any of the affairs or business of the





25.1.1               The colours of the UNION shall be old gold and felt green.

25.1.2               The blazer shall be felt green.

25.1.3               The badge shall be the double headed knight inset in the circle surround, and shall bear the word "MIND SPORTS".

25.1.4               The official tie shall be felt green.

25.1.5               The honours badge shall be the double-headed knight with a laurel surround.

25.1.6               The Umpire's badge shall be the double headed knight with a circle surround surmounting a scroll bearing the word "UMPIRE".



25.2.1      The badge and blazer shall be worn by any person selected to represent the UNION, or has won all his games at the S A National Championships.

25.2.2      HONOURS BADGE.  The Honours Badge and Tie shall be worn by any individual who has been selected to represent the UNION, or has qualified to wear the Badge, Blazer and Tie at least three times.

25.2.3      THE MERITORIOUS BADGE.  This shall be the Honours Badge and bear the words "MERITORIOUS SERVICE". This may be awarded to any individual who may have rendered TEN years outstanding service to the activity in           South Africa, or in any other special circumstances, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. This award may only be made by the Council on the recommendation of the Executive.

25.2.4      COLOURS FOR COMPETING INTERNATIONALLY. This shall be the emblem as agreed upon by the NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL. This award shall only be made in terms of the NATIONAL SPORTS COUNCIL's code for the award of such Colours.

25.2.5      COLOURS FOR UMPIRES. Any umpire who has been appointed as the senior umpire at two national championships during a wargames year (as defined in the Constitution) shall be entitled to wear the badge and blazer.



25.3.1                KWAZULU NATAL REGION (Regional vote)

1.         The Colours of the KwaZulu Natal Region shall be Black and White.

2.         The Blazer shall be Black.

3.         The Badge shall be the double headed knight with the circle surround and shall bear the word " MIND SPORTS".

4.         The official tie shall be black.

25.3.2               GAUTENG REGION (Regional vote)

1.         The colours of the Gauteng Region shall be dark red and white.

2.         The Blazer shall be Black.

3.         The Badge shall be the double headed knight with the circle surround and shall bear the word  " MIND SPORTS".  The Badge shall be old gold.

4.         The official tie shall be black.

5.         The emblem of the Gauteng (previously Transvaal) region shall be a knight on a charger.


1.         The colours shall be Black and Old Gold.

2.         The Blazer shall be Black.

3.         The Badge shall be the double headed knight with the circle surround and shall bear the word " MIND SPORTS".

4.         The official tie shall be Black.

25.3.4               SCHOOL REGIONAL COLOURS

1.         The colours shall be Black and Silver.

2.         The Blazer shall be Black.

3.         The Badge shall be the double headed knight with the circle surround and bear the words " MIND SPORTS, SCHOOLS".

4.         The official tie shall be black.

25.3.5               STUDENT REGIONAL COLOURS

1.         The colours shall be Black and Silver.

2.         The Blazer shall be Black.

3.         The Badge shall be the double headed knight with the circle surround and bear the words " MIND SPORTS, STUDENTS".

4.                   The official tie shall be black.



25.4.1                              TEAM AWARD. The Team Award shall be the badge of the Region, which the player is representing and shall bear the name of such region.  It shall be worn by any person selected to represent the Region, and has played in such tournament.

25.4.2                              TEAM COLOURS. The Team Colours shall be the Badge of the Region which the player is representing and shall bear the name of the

Region as well as the year in which the award is made. It shall be worn by any person who;

1.         Has qualified to wear the Team Award at least three times, and/or

2.                   Has fulfilled the following conditions in any one wargaming year:

a.                 Played in Nationals and ended in the top 50%, and

b.                 Played in at least one official Premier Regional Championship and the player played in the MSSA Nationals, and

c.                 Ended in the top 50% in such Regional Championships.

25. 4. 3             SCHOOL TEAM COLOURS. The Team Colours shall be the Badge of the Region, which the player is representing and shall bear the name of the Region as well as the year in which the award is made. It shall be worn by any person who:

1.                  Has qualified to wear the Team Award at least three times, and/or

2.                  Has fulfilled any of the following conditions in any one wargaming year:

a.                       Played in Nationals and one "Championship" Regional Championships (in the same period) and ended in the top 50% of scholars competing, and/or

b.                       Played in at least two official "Championship" Regional Championships  (in the same period) and ended in the top 50% of scholars competing.

3.         Where  "Championships" are not played. Premier championships shall count towards colours.

25. 4. 4             STUDENT TEAM COLOURS. The Team Colours shall be the Badge of the Region, which the player is representing and shall bear the name of the Region as well as the year in which the award is made. It shall be worn by any person who:

1.                   Has qualified to wear the Team Award at least three times, and/or

2.                   Has fulfilled any of the following conditions in any one wargaming year:

a.                   Played in Nationals and one  "Premier" Regional Championships (in the same period) and ended in the top 50% of students competing, and/or

b.                   Played in at least two official "Premier" Regional Championships (in the same period) and ended in the top 50% of scholars competing.

25.4.5               HONOURS BADGE. The Honours Badge and Tie shall be worn by any person who has qualified to wear Team Colours at least three times.  The

                                                Honours Badge shall also bear the name of the Region represented.

25.4.6                             THE MERITORIOUS BADGE. This shall be the Honours Badge and bear the words "MERITORIOUS SERVICE" as well as the Region for which it is being awarded. It shall be awarded in terms of Rule 23. 2. 3.

25.4.7                             COLOURS FOR UMPIRES. Any umpire who has been appointed as the senior umpire at two national championships during a wargames year (as defined in the Constitution) shall be entitled to wear the badge and blazer.



                  25.5.1   The privilege of wearing any of the UNION's or Region's Colours shall be withdrawn if any person so privileged is found guilty of misconduct by a Disciplinary Committee or is automatically suspended in terms of Rule 17.2 of the Constitution.



26.1      All motions included in the Motion for Council or Executive Committee Meetings will be divided into Regional or General Motions.

26.2      Only regions directly involved with such issue may vote, but other regions may express an opinion on any such motion.

26.3      Regional and General Motions are defined as follows:

26.3.1               A regional vote deals exclusively with the issues arising from any one region, for example, the organising of regional competitions and championships.

26.3.2               A general vote deals with the issues of the UNION as a whole.


27.        NEW LAWS: The Executive is empowered to introduce new laws, bye-laws or conditions relating to the laws of wargaming, that is, figures, board, computer, and role-playing games, as may be necessary from time to time, subject to these being confirmed at the next Council Meeting.


28.        WARGAMING YEAR: Each wargaming year shall be reckoned as from 1 January to 31 December.



29.1        Before any person may represent an affiliated member, in any event whatsoever, such person shall be registered, with that member as either a Registered, School or Associate player. The General Secretary of the UNION shall keep such Registration book.

29.1.1           A Registered player is a member, in good standing, of an affiliated member, in respect of whom the full registration fee applicable to a Registered Player has been received.

29.1.2           A School player is a member, in good standing, of an affiliated member based at a school that exclusively accepts members from learners and educators from such school, in respect of whom the full registration fee applicable to a School Player has been received.

29.1.3           An Associate Player is a member, in good standing, of an affiliated member, in respect of whom the Registration fee applicable to an Associate Player has been received.


29.2      A person may only be registered as representing one affiliated member at any one time, and such registration shall have the effect of making that person a first claim member of the Club or Society by whom the person is so registered.

29.2.1           Application for affiliation shall be made to the UNION in the form provided for that purpose and lodged by the Secretary of the Club or Society applying for registration.

29.2.2           Registration of a member, once accepted, shall continue of full force and effect from season to season.

29.2.3           Persons may become a first claim member of another club or Society once the General Secretary of the UNION has been so informed.


29.3      Registered and associate players shall have the following rights:

                                      29.3.1     A Registered player shall be entitled to:

1.           Enter any competition under the jurisdiction of the UNION against payment of such fee as the Executive may decide and subject to the rules of the competition as the Executive may decide,

2.           Receive a copy of each edition of any newsletter published by the UNION,

3.           Be registered by the UNION, with such international body as the Executive may decide,

4.           Become eligible for the award of such National or Regional Colours as are awarded by the UNION.

                                      29.3.2     A School player shall be entitled to:

1.           Enter any competition under the jurisdiction of the UNION against payment of such fee as the Executive may decide and subject to the rules of the competition as the Executive may decide,

2.           Become eligible for the award of such Regional Colours as are awarded by the UNION.

                                      29.3.3     An Associate Player shall be entitled to:

1.         Enter any competition under the jurisdiction of the UNION against payment of such fee as the Executive may decide and subject to the rules of the competition as the Executive may decide plus an additional fee as the Executive may decide.

29.4      Individuals shall only be allowed to represent a club or Society, including all regional competitions and championships, held under the auspices of the UNION, if that person is registered with the UNION or the International body to which we are affiliated.

29.5      A fee shall be levied against all Registered and Associate Players who are registered to Clubs and Societies affiliated to the UNION. Any increase in the fees shall be ratified at a meeting of the Council. The fees are due and payable in each season as defined. The Clubs and Societies shall be responsible for the collection thereof and payment to the UNION.



30.1      The need for a Regional Director for any one Region will be determined at the National Convention using a regional vote.

30.2      Regional Directors will be appointed by the Executive Committee after considering all the applicant's Curriculum Vitae.

30.3      Regional Directors are responsible to the Executive Committee, and will submit monthly reports of their progress.

30.4      Regional Directors are empowered to appoint assistant directors but will still be held accountable for such assistant directors.

30.5      Regional Directors shall be held liable for any loss incurred by the UNION due to his/her own negligence.

30.6      The Regional Director will be held responsible for the running and organisation of all Regional competitions and championships.

30.7      The Executive Committee shall be empowered to relieve a Director, or assistant director, from his/her duties should it be deemed necessary.


31.        DISSOLUTION

31.1      The UNION may be dissolved should this be supported by a two-thirds majority of those eligible to vote at a Council Meeting.

31.2      Notice of the proposed dissolution must be in writing, in accordance with Rule 13.3, and circularised to all affiliated members.

31.3      Assets are to be realised by members delegated to the task.

31.4      Funds and assets remaining after the settlement of any debts shall be donated to an union, association, club or society that agrees to pursue the UNION's objectives.

31.5      A statement detailing assets realised and donated, and how the proceeds of realised assets were disposed of shall be submitted to members.


32.        DEFINITIONS


32.1.1               For any affiliated Association to vote, such Association must fulfil the minimum quota, which is;

An affiliated association in order to exercise its right to vote must consist of at least three  (3) clubs of five  (5)-registered players each.



33.1      Any candidate standing for election must present all the delegates at any NATIONAL CONVENTION with curriculum vitae of all past achievements.


34.        FINANCIAL YEAR: The Financial Year of the South African Wargames Union will be reckoned from 1 November to 30 October of each year.


35.        REGIONS

35.1      Regions are to be the same as the political regions as defined by the current South African Constitution.


36.        RECOGNITION OF AUTONOMY: The UNION undertakes to respect and recognise the autonomy of every member and institution to an exclusive jurisdiction over its own internal matters provided that the member shall function throughout in accordance with the spirit of the objectives of the UNION.


37.        AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Any person from a disadvantaged community (that is blacks or women) be placed into the National Team should they have qualified and entered for National Team Trials provided that sufficient places are available in the team.


38.        DISCIPLINE: Proscription shall be applied to disciplinary action should the UNION not have taken any action a three-year period.



No member shall be allowed to have more than 40% representation on any sub-committee if other members have delegates who are standing for the available positions.



40.1      National Team Managers shall be registered players with both the UNION and the INTERNATIONAL WARGAMES FEDERATION, and have held office for at least three years in an administrative or technical capacity for the UNION, or have already served as a National Team Manager

40.2      Should there not be any players registered with both the UNION and the INTERNATIONAL WARGAMES FEDERATION who qualify as per point 40.1, the Selection Committee may relax the criteria in consultation with the Management Board

40.2      Elected members of the Selection Committee shall not be eligible for selection.



Should any doubt arise concerning the meaning and interpretation of any provision of the Rules or Regulations of the UNION, the interpretation of the President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, based on the English version of the Rules and Regulations shall be final and binding on all members of the UNION.



1.       Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the enforceability of this constitution, or the application, and interpretation of the provisions hereof, or any dispute between any members of the South African Wargames Union (SAWU) or between a member and an elected office bearer of SAWU itself, shall be referred to the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (AFSA) for resolution through mediation or expedited arbitration in terms of the Rules and Procedures for the Resolution of Disputes in Sport, prevailing at the time such Disputes is so referred. In the event of arbitration in terms of the afore-going, such resolution shall be final and binding on the parties to the dispute.


2.       In recognition of the desire to resolve all disputes in the sporting fraternity as amicably and as effectively as possible, it is required of all existing and future members of the SAWU to incorporate in their constitutions (and to include in any agreements they may enter into) a dispute resolution clause in terms substantially the same as clause i (as above) of this Constitution, specifically providing for the resolution of disputes through the mechanisms provided for by the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA).



All individuals wishing to stand for office, of whatever nature, in Mind Sports South Africa, shall sign an undertaking to only express the official view of the Union during their term of office when not participating in a Committee Meeting of Mind Sports South Africa.